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Welcome to Andrés Eloy Rodríguez Music Store.
On this section you can find most of my works in both as composer and as arranger.
My works in both fields are focused on my principal instrument: The Flute, in many combinations and basicaly, dedicate to the marverlous world of the chamber music, under my own music label AER Musical Editions.
In a further time this section will be increased with other works and arragements for other formats (Chamber Orchestra, Woodwind Orchestra, etc., works for other instruments, etc.)
Are you interesed about a particular piece of this catalog?
Are you interesed about to commision a particular work for an especific orchestra/ensamble/group?
If you answer is YES, please CONTACT US¡¡
Meanwile...Take a look inside¡¡



Concierto N° 1

Los Mareados

para dos flautas y orquesta de flautas Op. 12A
for two flutes and flute orchestra Op. 12A
para quinteto de vientos
for woodwind quintet

Pajarillo a Dúo

Chopin: Grande Valse Brillante

para flauta y clarinete Op. 2
for flute and clarinet Op. 2
para quinteto de vientos
for woodwind quintet

Rossini: La Danza


para solista (soprano o tenor) y quinteto de vientos
for solo singer (soprano or tenor) and woodwind quintet

3 5 x 8

para violín y piano Op. 10
for violin and piano Op. 10
para cuarteto de  flautas
for flutes quartet

Elegía Fantástica y Obstinato Giocoso

para flauta y viola,  Op. 21
for flute and viola, Op. 121

for purchase music please visit my music store in:

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